12A Tottenham Street,
London, W1T 4RE

Sports Eyewear

Orb Optical offer a full selection of sports eyewear either with no prescription or with prescription lenses or inserts. Many items are kept in stock to view and the rest are available within a few days. Prescription lenses, especially some of the more specialised bonded lenses may take some time to manufacture, so please leave plenty of time to get them through before you need them.

Orb Optical herself has a keen interest in sports vision and is available offer advice and answer questions to help patients find the best solutions to vision problems they may experience while participating in their preferred sports.



Sports Wear Frequently Asked Questions

Can a swimming goggle be corrected for seeing undgafasdepiscinaerwater?

We would normally glaze the “in air” prescription. The purpose of corrective swimming goggles is, after all, to be able to move around the pool side and be aware of obsticles and other swimmers on the surface. With positive prescriptions it is possible to place the prescription on the back surface which will help the correction underwater, which may be beneficial to competition swimmers with their turns.

Can a swimming goggles be tinted?

Yes. When we supply plastic prescription lenses to swimming goggles (excluding Aquasee) we can add a tint, if required.

Which lens material should be used in goggles for racket sports?

The answer is polycarbonate. In the case of squash there is a specific British Standard BS 7930-1 and the use of polycarbonate is mandatory to meet its requirement. Where a goggle is supplied the insert can be glazed with plastic lenses, as the front shield is supplied as standard in polycarbonate.

Can a diving mask be corrected for both distance and reading?

Yes. Using the custom bonded method we can fit both distance and reading segments to our masks (excluding Ultravision). This can be done in both positive and negative prescriptions.